
Tachi Kiuchi
Chairman of the Future 500
Tachi Kiuchi is one of Japan's most iconoclastic corporate executives. As Chairman and CEO of Mitsubishi Electric America, he built the Mitsubishi Electric brand in the U.S., and managed the company's transition from the old to the new economy. As Managing Director of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, he broke with Japanese corporate norms to champion a "living systems" approach to business that included rapid adaptation, financial transparency, openness, cultural diversity, executive positions for women, and environmental sustainability. He even forged a bold agreement with Rainforest Action Network (RAN) to promote corporate sustainability.
Today, as Chairman of the Future 500, and CEO of Tokyo-based E-Square, Kiuchi informs and inspires business leaders all over the world, and develops profitable and sustainable business practices at computer, electronics, automobile, and other companies.
Kiuchi is a popular keynote speaker at major global conferences on business, the environment, and Japanese-U.S. relations. In his spare time, Kiuchi skydives, runs marathons, climbs Mount Fuji, rides his bicycle to Future 500 headquarters in downtown Tokyo, and does 2000 push-ups a day.
He is the co-author with Bill Shireman, of the popular book What We Learned In The Rainforest - Business Lessons From Nature, featured in the Harvard Business Review, which declares the business-as-machine era over, and shows how companies can become as innovative as the rainforest, leveraging feedback to grow more profitable and sustainable than ever.
Tachi Quote: “We must learn to provide affluence without effluence…by consuming less from the environment, not more. We can use less, and have more. Consume less, and be more. The interests of business, and the interests of environment, are not incompatible.” |
Bill Shireman
President and CEO of the Future 500
Called a "master of environmental entrepreneurism," Mr. Shireman has over 20 years of experience developing and implementing programs that align the interests of major corporations and their stakeholders. Shireman develops profitable business strategies that drive pollution down and profits up. As President and CEO of the Future 500, Shireman helps the world's largest companies and most impassioned activists - from Coca-Cola, General Motors, Nike, Mitsubishi, and Weyerhaeuser, to Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, and the Sierra Club - work together to improve the profits and performance of business.
Advocating technology as a driver of green growth, Shireman has led the development and deployment of these and other tools, at diverse companies in Asia, Europe, and throughout North America. While CEO of the largest state recycling lobby in the U.S., he wrote California's bottle bill recycling law, shown by EPA and academic studies to be the world's most cost-effective. He advocates market-based environmental policies - contending they can be more effective than many command-and-control laws.
Most recently, with former Mitsubishi CEO Tachi Kiuchi, Shireman wrote the popular book, What We Learned In The Rainforest - Business Lessons from Nature, featured in the Harvard Business Review, which declares the business-as-machine era over, and shows how companies can become as innovative as the rainforest, leveraging feedback to grow more profitable and sustainable than ever. |
Zhouying Jin
Senior Fellow and president of the future 500 China
Professor Zhouying Jin is a Senior Researcher and Professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Director of the Center for Technology Innovation and Strategy Studies (CTISS) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She also is president and founder for the Beijing Academy of Soft Technology, and since 2004, President of Future 500 China.
A graduate of the Chinese University of Science and Technology, Dr. Jin has been a researcher at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Deputy Chief Engineer of Changchun Electric Industrial Administration; and Vice secretary-general of China enterprise Directors (Managers) Association, State Economic Committee of China.
She has been a visiting professor at Case Western Reserve University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Senior Research Fellow, Institute For The Future; and a Special researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology policy of Japan. Jin is currently a Guest Professor Tsinghua University in Beijing and Hohai University in Nanjing. She also holds the title of Research Fellow at the World Business Academy, is a Planning Committee Member of the Millennium Project and Co-chair of the China node of the United Nations University of Americas council.
She has more than 100 published monographs, theses and research reports to her credit.
Aileen Ichikawa
Vice President of Corporate Accountability Practice (CAP) Services
Ms. Ichikawa directs the development of the Global Citizenship 360 (CAP Gap) software to simplify stakeholder performance measurement and reporting. She is responsible for product development, design, inventorying and validating the criteria that make up the leading global standards of corporate ethics, accountability, responsibility, and sustainability. Ms. Ichikawa directs the strategic alliance known as the CAP Partner Alliance, consisting of world-class service providers in the area of corporate accountability and sustainability. The alliance has a global reach in over 30 countries with a combined force of 7,000 professional consultants. She has twenty years of experience in the technology sector, serving in systems engineering, technology marketing, channel management, country management, business development, strategic alliances at IBM, Motorola, and Rolm, in both the domestic as well as international arena. |
Erik Wohlgemuth
Director of Stakeholder Engagement
Mr. Wohlgemuth directs Future 500’s stakeholder engagement program, developing and refining tools and processes that capture the organization’s methodological approach to stakeholder engagement. He oversees the sMAP software-driven stakeholder planning process, stakeholder opinion leader surveys (SOLS), and stakeholder roundtable meeting facilitation. Mr. Wohlgemuth also directs Future 500’s SEED initiative which brings companies and stakeholders together to leverage corporate procurement for developing markets for best available sustainable technologies.
With over 13 years of experience, Mr. Wohlgemuth has focused his career on bridging the gap between for-profit, non-profit and governmental sectors. He has enjoyed a varied career working for NGOs as an environmental activist and lobbyist as well as for corporations as an environmental consultant. He has a MBA from Yale School of Management with a concentration in Competitive Strategies and Master's degree in Environmental Management from Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, with a concentration in Industrial Environmental Management. He also received a B.A. in history from Yale College, focusing on development of the American West.
Cate Gable
Director Conference and Training
Manages a number of Future 500 efforts, including conference planning for our 2004 Fall conference in Seattle, stakeholder engagement training, the Coca-Cola North America stakeholder engagement project, and the Western Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative (WEPSI). For WEPSI, Ms. Gable served as a lead facilitator exploring policy options for e-waste and electronics recycling in the eight western states, as well as a participant in the national organization (NEPSI) where she authored an EPA white paper on this subject. She is an experienced strategic planner and corporate trainer, with 20 years of wide-ranging experience administering programs, developing curricula, and delivering trainings at Citibank, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, the University of California, Berkeley, and a variety of other business, governmental, and not-for-profit institutions. She has authored a book on strategic planning and many articles in journals of corporate environmental management and social responsibility. She teaches a planning and sustainable business course at France's prestigious Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC). |
